Clim4Vitis action plan comprises of six work-packages as briefly detailed below.
Clim4Vitis action plan comprises of six work-packages as briefly detailed below.
Leader: PIK, Germany
WP1 aims at identifying, collecting, compiling and synchronising all the existing and already validated and applied models for the simulation of the impacts of climate change on grapevine phenology, as well as on the biology and epidemiology of grape diseases and pests. In addition, WP1 and its tasks will enable to disclose best R&I practices in the sector in order to make the consortium more homogeneous regarding the state-of-the-art. The resulting information will further contribute to the identification of essential scientific questions and topics in future viticulture research and practice, offering new research activities and methods.
Leader: UTAD, Portugal
Specific educational, training and mentoring actions to promote the technology transfer between partners with a primary focus on transfer towards UTAD, will be implemented through WP2. This WP aims to play a central role in enhancing the S&T capacity of the linked institutions and in raising their respective staff research profiles, with a principal focus on the coordinating institution.
Leader: SPI, Portugal
WP3 aims to necessitate ensuring a close and systematic monitoring and evaluation of Clim4Vitis results and implementation. In compliance, specific evaluation guidelines and tools will be defined within the framework of this WP. The evaluation of Clim4Vitis knowledge transfer and capacity building activities undertaken in WP1 and WP2 will also be carried out and their short-term impacts assessed.
Leader: LIST, Luxembourg
WP4 will be the key to planning and ensuring the future sustainability of the Clim4Vitis partnership, defining the details of future joint collaboration beyond the project and of the ways to exploit project outcomes. Such long-term sustainability will guarantee the continued enhancement of UTAD´s S&T capacity as well as research profile, and thus the long-term impacts of Clim4Vitis.
Leader: UTAD, Portugal
An additional WP has been deployed by the project to ensure optimal overall coordination and management of its activities, guaranteeing a well-structured implementation. Strategies to check and optimise the quality control, reporting, internal communication and monitoring will be defined and implemented.