Clim4Vitis participation in the General Assembly of Luxembourgish wine growers
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On 6th February, 2019, Jürgen Junk (LIST) and Daniel Molitor (LIST) from the Clim4Vitis team had the opportunity to present the project at the annual assembly of the Luxembourgish wine grower community. This traditional event takes place on the first Wednesday of February every year in the town hall of Wormeldange (LU) and is composed of a series of invited talks covering new legal regulations, technical innovations and latest research results that affect viticulture. Organised by the Luxembourgish wine grower association and the Institut Viti-vincole, more than 150 wine growers, politicians, consultants, marketing experts, researchers and some guests from Germany and South-Tyrol attended the event. A small exposition where private companies including a nursery, an assurance, machine -, fertilizer- and bottle-retailers presented their products was arranged in the entrance of the town hall. Jürgen explained some aspects of the theoretical background of climate model ensembles and how they are used, while Daniel presented selected consequences that are currently expected in the Luxembourgish wine growing area due to climate change and discussed potential adaptation strategies. Overall, the event assisted in dissemination of project related information.